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Who is The Valkyrie Project for?VP is designed for female servicemembers in the U.S. military, including Active Duty, the Reserves and the National Guard, and women seeking to join those ranks.
Can only servicemembers participate?Anyone is welcome, however, our services are tailored for a specific group, so those that fit the profile are most likely to have success in our training program. Women seeking to joing the military will also benefit from the program and online community. Women in other physically demanding work profiles, such as police, firefighters and first-responders can also benefit from it.
Can only women participate?Anyone is free to sign up for the programming, access the Podcast on iTunes and SoundCloud, follow and like our pages on social media, and purchase apparel (men's sizes are available!). However, it's important to recognize that our athletic training program is tailored to women, so results may vary. Anyone with previous experience in the U.S. military who is interested in developing confident, competent and lethal woman warriors should apply to be mentors (see the "Mentors" tab on our homepage).
Why do you charge for the workout programming if you’re a nonprofit?VP takes pride in offering the most competitive monthly pricing possible for cycle-based training that is designed with women in mind. Though we’d like to offer this service free, we must generate some income to keep the “doors open” until such a time that other income streams make this possible. Further, no one on VP’s team takes home a paycheck at this time. All our funds go to programs like the workouts and symposium, and operation expenses like our virtual assistants and annual website fees.
What does the Tactical Training Program offer that others do not?The Tactical Training Program workouts are optimized for female physiology and biology, and are designed to take women with a good fitness baseline to the next level. See the "Training Program" page for more information. Good candidates for the training program are those with some fitness background and are currently relatively healthy. For example: people who train 3+ days a week in a profile that includes metabolic conditioning/cardio and some weight training can benefit from VP Tactical. Other good candidates include those who want to improve their current physical training test scores, or simply want to perform better overall. The program is not ideal for women who have chronic unaddressed injuries. We would always encourage these women to seek out medical treatment or supervision before starting the program (physical therapy, etc). However, the forum provides mentors who can assist those with some minor/nagging injuries in seeking alternative movements/"scaling" while they recover. The forum is also a good place to seek scaling from mentors in the event they aren't capable of completing workouts as assigned. For example: if a member cannot do pullups as assigned in the daily workout, mentors can provide other options that will still help that member improve in that functional area. We want all members to progress in areas of weakness!
Why is there a fee for MWS25 when there was not one previously?There are two reasons. First, as MWS grows and we seek increasingly better researchers and speakers, in some cases we must be able to incentivize those thought-leaders for their participation by paying for their travel. Second, in years past, many people registered but did not attend in-person, which caused us to incur unnecessary expenses for food at the live event. We appreciate your understanding, and promise to continue to deliver a world-class symposium each year!
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