5 workout tracks to choose from
with Premium Membership!
Put in the work today.
Our program is the complete package to build a baseline for performance and durability in physically demanding military schools and occupational training courses. In addition to access to the exclusive forum, the Valkyrie Project Tactical Training Program features:
training tailored to female biology
7-day-a-week training programming, with two rest days built in
scientifically-proven phased training
competitive pricing
benchmark and progress tracking with the Beyond the White Board App
interactive posting with others in the program
access to the closed VP Facebook forum for Q&A with mentors
Movements you can expect to see in VP Tactical Programming workouts include:
weightlifting (bench press, front/back squat, dead lift, dumbbell work)
powerlifting (cleans, push press, push jerk)
kettle bell movements
gymnastic movements (push ups, sit ups, core work, pull ups, air squats)
sled push/pulls
general functional movements (wall-ball work, overhead carries)
odd object movements (sandbags, tires, atlas stones)
Your first month is FREE! Sign up for monthly membership and you won't be charged for your first month. Cancel anytime.
Please Note: Though our workout program is available to everyone, the Discord forum is only open to those currently serving the US military or US military veterans.
By clicking a Sign Up Now button above, you hereby accept the following: I understand all physical activity may include some risk. I hereby acknowledge that the scope limit of VP Inc. is to provide workout programming remotely through the Beyond The White Board app, and VP Inc. cannot monitor my safe execution of workout movements. I acknowledge that any injury or death resulting from my doing VP Inc. workouts is my own responsibility, and that VP Inc. and its affiliates and subsidiaries are not responsible for any financial burden that may result.